Christopher Vito: Arrival In Bioko (Pt 1)
cre: Christopher Vito: Arrival In Bioko (Pt 1) I have been in Malabo, on the island of Bioko, in Equatorial Guinea for almost a week now. I have to do two a week, but our internet has not been reliable enough. Our router is a tiny little box that magically connects to the satellite internet – sometimes. It was out the first few days, but hey, it’s Africa and if you’re expecting anything better than that, you’re kidding yourself. So anyway, I guess I’ll start from the beginning. After a 20 hour journey, I arrived with a group of 9 other students at Malabo airport and crammed a ton of luggage into a van – we each had 2 check-in bags of about 50 pounds and two hand luggage. (Note: the photo I attached was taken while landing in Abuja, Nigeria, the last stop before Malabo, where it was too dark to take good photos of the arrival) From the moment we got off the plane, it was pretty very clear that this is an entirely different world. The baggage claim area was swarming with people o...