This Little Piggy Went to Market

cre: This Little Piggy Went to Market

Sunday may be for the boys, but it’s also for the markets! There is always a market ready to be explored in London. And the best part? Most of them are open on weekdays. I have visited some really good markets here that are worth exploring.

Neighborhood market


The first market we went to was the Borough Market, located in Southwark, London. This market is only open from Thursday to Saturday and comes alive very quickly. For our class, we drove through the Southwark area (and surrounding boroughs) to learn about the history of food in Britain. It was actually very interesting to learn that a lot of British food was imported and fruits, like pineapples, were considered exotic and showed wealth status. Pineapples were even praised for dinner parties as they not only showed wealth but were also a symbol for welcoming guests. The Borough Market is one of the oldest and largest food markets in London, home to all kinds of food vendors. From meats to produce, pastries to snacks, the Borough Market has it all! We got to explore the market and talk to the vendors about how long they’ve been in business here and what makes them so special. We noticed that the words “fresh” and “homemade” were stuck all over the place which made us feel good with all the food we bought. It was great supporting local businesses, one of our favorites being the Greedy Goat ice cream vendor. Using only British goat’s milk, vendor Greedy Goat made the ice cream taste like gingerbread cookies, Earl Gray tea, and carrot cake. It was heaven in a cone on a Friday afternoon. The Borough Market is a great place to visit to get a feel for the diversity in London. Vendors showcase food from all over the world, with some retaining traditional recipes and others putting their own British touch on a classic dish. You’ll need a few hours to explore the whole market, so it’s probably best to go in the morning. Two to three hours will do the trick very well! Just be sure to try all the free samples.


Maltby Street Market

Another market that I have found to be really awesome is the Maltby Street Market. This market is about a block and offers food from all over the world. Opened in 2010, the alley in which he resides is very narrow. Getting around is difficult, but that doesn’t stop visitors from enjoying all that these vendors have to offer. From wine tastings to authentic German bratwurst, this little gem of a market has it all! The food here is fresh and delicious and I had the pleasure of tasting homemade peanut butter, German bratwurst, and a tropical smoothie. The food was amazing and so filling! This market is definitely to be discovered. It’s quite discreet but I think there is something for everyone.

Camden Market

Now the Camden Market is by far my favorite market. They have it all here! You need at least 3-4 hours to see everything, not to mention the shelves of clothes and artwork. This market was opened in 1974 and is home to more than 1000 shops. It’s hard to imagine that this huge market started with just 16 stalls as a mini arts and crafts fair. If you’re feeling peckish while browsing the market, don’t panic! Camden Market is teeming with food, from vendors to restaurants. The famous Cereal Killer Cafe is even located in the very heart of the market. Side note: this is the most amazing place on Earth and I never thought cereal could taste so great! There is so much to do in this market; I’ve been there twice and always feel like I have to go back. The surrounding borough of Camden is also very beautiful. It’s hard to miss the murals and artwork on the buildings leading up to the entrance. Before you even reach the entrance, an abundance of smells hits you in the face and beckons you to enter. You will have a hard time leaving this place.

Markets are a great place to spend your time in London. The diversity of these markets really brings little pieces of the world to your garden. If you like to venture into new territories, the markets are for you!

Until next time, well done!



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