It’s Always Tea Time

cre: It’s Always Tea Time

“Do you want to go on an adventure now or do we have to have tea first?” “-Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland

As I already mentioned in another post, I LOVE TEA. I’m not a coffee lover at all, so tea is the one thing that will wake me up in the morning and keep me sane throughout the day. The British are notorious for drinking tea and its importance to them is laughed at, but I see no problem with drinking more tea than water. I was able to attend two afternoon snacks as they are no longer a regular meal.

First of all, I want to get into the context of tea a bit. Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a boring essay. I just want to share some of the story I learned about this tradition because of its importance and how many different meanings it has. So, tea doesn’t just refer to a cup of tea. Tea can also mean the dinner meal, as the lower class would call it, or afternoon tea or afternoon tea, as the upper classes would call their midday snack. ‘Afternoon snack’ tea appeared when the Duchess of Bedford was visiting the 5th Duke of Rutland in the mid-1840s and began to get hungry between lunch and dinner. The gap between lunch and dinner had grown longer due to the invention of artificial light that allowed people to work longer or go out with friends for longer. She decided to have the servants bring sweets, small sandwiches and tea. Afternoon tea eventually turned into a meal in which women could socialize with each other without the presence of a man. Now afternoon tea is a bit expensive and people don’t really brew tea every day. This is more the case for parties and many hotels and tearooms offer special afternoon teas, some themed!

While in London, I attended two afternoon teas; one was for my food, society and culture class in Britain and the other was an Alice in Wonderland themed tea that I had planned to attend for over 6 years. month !


The afternoon tea we attended for the lessons was a very classic setting. We started with tea, then the food came out. We were told to eat a very light meal because afternoon teas tend to fill you up so I was hungry by the time we got there. First of all, we had an assortment of absolutely delicious sandwiches! Next are the scones and pastries, which go as quickly as they come out. In the end, I was drunk and satisfied.


Now the Alice in Wonderland themed tea was more than amazing! From the hotel garden to the food served was worth its price. Luckily my friends and I got VIP seats so we were shown to a table in the back, hidden behind some trees. We really had the impression of being in a forest, far from civilization and the cries of children. The table was nicely set with assorted dishes and a set of tea cards with descriptions of the teas available. We were served a passion fruit cocktail iced with sugar. Then the sandwiches, scones, and pastries came out, dressed for the theme. Checkers, clocks, mushrooms and caterpillars filled the three levels. It was so much fun to dress up and have a great snack with friends. It really takes you to a different world, away from all the stress of writing articles and studying for the finals. I fully understand why the British like their tea time!

Until next time, well done!



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