Message writing format, examples and samples | Bonus tips inside!

cre: Message writing format, examples and samples | Bonus tips inside!

The correct message writing format includes date, time, recipient name, message, and sender name. But there is a little more than that. This blog tells you everything you need to write the perfect post – post writing format, some examples and insider tips and tricks!

A message is a quick piece of information you write for someone when you can’t reach them directly. This message can be written or delivered verbally, and transmitted by a number of methods, including phone calls, text messages and emails. But this does not mean that the message writing format is different for each channel.

The English for School Children program provides a generic form of message writing. Students should know how to format basic entries in a well-written format. It’s important to follow a consistent format when delivering messages, as this is an essential aspect of communication and you risk losing your reader’s attention (and your notes) if you don’t. correctly.

So let’s take a look at this typical message writing format which is taught in schools –

Message writing format




Dear _______ (Name of recipient)

The body of the text

Yesour name

Key points to add to your message

  • Title: Start by writing the header in capital letters in the form “MESSAGE”. It should be in the center of the page at the top.
  • Dated: You must write the date in expanded format (December 28, 2021) on the left side of the page.
  • Time: It is ideal to include the time in the message. But, there is no standard position where it should be placed. It can be on the left under the date or on the right next to it.
  • Body: This is the main part of your message, and it should contain all relevant information. Avoid using long sentences here. Instead, keep it short, to the point, and use around 150 words.
  • Sender: The sender’s name must appear at the bottom left of the message.

word limit

You need to stick to the given word limits for successful post writing. The message write format has a set standard word restriction of 50 words. So be sure to get all the important points within that word limit.

Write a message from a conversation

When you are given a dialogue between two people, you must write a message from this exchange. You can follow the standard message writing format, then add a summary of your chat, as well as inform the recipient of your message.

Example 1

You are John. Your mother had recently had a physical examination. The doctor’s office assistant called to let you know the results of her reports. You leave a message for him since you have to go out. Compose a message on the subject in no more than 50 words.

Aassistant: Is this Gellar’s residence?

Yeswe: Yes. May I know who is calling?

Assistant: I’m Rhonda calling from the Central Diagnostic Center. I would like to speak to Ms. Gellar.

You: She’s not home right now.

Assistant: Could you please inform him that I have reviewed all of his test results. There are no major issues at this time, but we may need to do more testing if necessary. I told her to continue taking the same medications for another week. I scheduled his appointment with the cardiologist for 4:00 p.m. at the state hospital. She must arrive with all her reports on time.

You: Thank you very much, doctor. I will pass on the message.



January 21, 2021 Time 11:00 a.m.


Dear Mom,

Rhonda from the Central Diagnostic Center called us this morning. She said your test results were good and there were no major issues at this time. But we may need to do more testing in the future. She’s scheduled an appointment with the cardiologist for 4:00 at the state hospital, and you need to be there with all your reports on time.


Example 2

call message writing format
Learning how to write messages can be very beneficial when communicating with colleagues and clients.

Your name is Phoebe. Your brother is away from home. You got a call from his friend Joey about the cancellation of music class. You will leave a message for him because you have to leave. In no more than 50 words, compose a message on the same subject.

JOh: Hello! Is this Buffay’s residence?

Phoebe: Yes. May I know who is calling?

JOh: I’m Joey, Frank’s friend. Can I talk to him?

Phoebe: He went down a bit and forgot his cell phone here. Can I send a message?

Joey: Sure. I called to tell him that today’s class had been canceled because our teacher was delayed on the way home. It is postponed to Sunday. Please let him know.

Phoebe: Oh! Sure. I go. Thank you.

JOh: You’re welcome. Bye.



January 21, 2021 Time 11:00 a.m.


Dear Frank,

Your friend Joey from your music class called me and informed me that today’s dance class is canceled because the teacher was delayed on the way home. It was postponed to Sunday.


Training tasks

Exercise 1

Chandler: Hi, can I talk to Ross?

Monica: Sorry, my brother isn’t home. May I know who it is?

Chandler: Hey, it’s Chandler, I’m Ross’ classmate. Can you tell him that the football game at school tomorrow is postponed to next Saturday?

Monica: Sure, I’ll pass on your message.

Chandler: Thank you!

As Monica has to visit her friend, she leaves a message for Ross according to her conversation with Chandler.

Exercise 2

Your name is Rachel. You stay at the college hostel and share a room with Monica. You’re going for a checkup because you haven’t been feeling well since morning. Your roommate’s classmate came to your room a while ago and asked you to tell Monica that they needed their math notebook back. Write a message informing your roommate of the same.

Exercise 3

Practicing writing messages for different situations can help you craft the right message every time.

You receive a phone call from your father’s office in his absence and have the following conversation with the speaker-

Mr. Gellar: Hello, Mr. Green?

Yeswe: Hello, Dad is not at home, may I know who is calling?

Mr. Gellar: I am Jack Gellar, your Father’s assistant in his office.

Yeswe: Hello, Mr. Gellar. He is not at home. Do you have a message for him?

Mr. Gellar: Yes. Please let him know that the 10:00 a.m. meeting has been rescheduled to 12:00 p.m.

Yeswe: Okay, uncle. I’ll tell dad when he gets back.

Exercise 4

Take a look at the following notes from the notebook of Mr. Jose, Principal of JM School. As an assistant, you must write a message on his behalf to Mr. Carrow, the school’s assistant principal.


– Meet at 10:30 a.m. in the Principal’s office
– Discussion topic: Interschool sports meeting
– Review of preparations
– Another meeting with the coordinators and the manager at 11.30 am to check the progress of the preparations for the sports meeting.

Tips and tricks

  • Use direct and simple vocabulary when writing the message. Avoid using long sentences and difficult words as they are hard to understand.
  • Keep your writing to a maximum of 50 words.
  • Keep the word count to a minimum and avoid including irrelevant information.
  • Before you start writing, make an outline for the whole topic. Cover all aspects of the topic and try to meet the time limit specified in the question.
  • Avoid using long sentences in your response.
  • It is crucial to check everything. Check for typos and grammar issues after you’ve finished writing.


Q1. What is the best way to compose a message?

Responnse – Create a message structure that includes five key elements that will attract a reader – title, date and time, greetings, body, and recipient.

Q2. Is the message writing written in a box?

Responnse – Yes, as an informal or official note, a message is always written in a box of no more than 50 words.

If you want to write a good post, here are some key points-

  • Write only important points.
  • Always write the message in a box.
  • Don’t make grammatical or spelling mistakes.
  • Do not mention any new information in the message.
  • Write the date, day and time in an appropriate format.

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Good learning!



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