One Month Later

cre: One Month Later

And just like that, I’ve been in London for a whole month!

Here are four things I learned in the past four weeks abroad.

  1. Appreciate the time. On the one hand, I feel like it was yesterday that I was sitting at my departure gate at Newark Airport, anticipating my trip. On the other hand, London looks like the house I have always lived in. The crazy thing about time is that you don’t realize how fast it is going by until you think about it. I wouldn’t suggest counting your days abroad, even if you want to. Just live in the moment and make every day count! Even on a rainy day, I always try to get out there and accomplish one thing, even if it’s just trying a new cafe or walking around another part of town.
  2. Keep a diary. I’ve never been the type to keep a personal journal, even though I love to write. However, after being abroad for a few days, I decided that I wanted to keep track of all of my experiences. Keeping a travel journal is a great way to keep track of your overseas trip and can be a great keepsake when you return to the United States! I do my best to write down all my big adventures and all my little ones. I’m sure one day I’ll read my study abroad journal and laugh at all the amazing memories I’ve made here.
  3. Get to know your city. When you are abroad, traveling to neighboring countries is a very exciting opportunity that you might have! Although you should take advantage of it, I think it is very important to take the time to explore your city or your “home” country. In my experience, London is a very big city, with so many parts to explore! I made sure to integrate several weekends dedicated only to London into my schedule. Even though there are so many amazing places to venture out, make sure you don’t miss out on what’s right at your fingertips!
  4. Engage the inhabitants. You can learn a lot about a city from the people who live there! Locals generally know the best places to see, shop, and eat, while avoiding the crowds. Meeting locals is another way to immerse yourself in the culture and make the most of your study abroad experience.

I’m sure there will be a lot more to learn in my next few months abroad!



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