Do You Have Tap Water? (Berlin Adventures)
cre: Do You Have Tap Water? (Berlin Adventures) “Do you have tap water?” » “Well, we have to wash things sometimes so…” That’s the sassy and hilarious response we got from the waitress when we tried to get free water on our first meal in Germany, if that’s any indication of our overall competence in Europe. My friends and I affectionately named our experiment and our future group “The Struggle Bikes”. It’s a play on the phrase ‘get on the wrestling bus’, but since we cycle in Amsterdam, the wrestling bike seems more appropriate. This weekend we had the opportunity to go to Berlin with the program. I really liked Berlin. It’s such a cool mix of cozy and familiar city and history, that you could feel so strongly while walking around the city. We left Thursday after class and did the 6 hour train ride. When we arrived Kelsey, Cassie, Barb and I were extremely hungry so we dropped our things off at the hostel and immediately went to get some food. After walking back and forth on the s...